Saturday, December 26, 2020

Revelation Repentance Prayer

 Dear Heavenly Father please forgive your church 
these seven sins in the holiness of your year,
this year...

The sin of:
abandoning our first love;
fearing to suffer for Christ's sake;
serving wealth and the worship of it;
crediting salvation to those outside Christ;
make-believing, with a human-spirited faith
while resisting a Holy Spirited faith;
neglecting opportunities to witness
through the door opened by the Lord;
being lukewarm and apathetic.

Not only do we ask God to forgive us
but also confess before the world 
whom we have also let down by these sins.

 In abandoning our first love
we no longer point you to this love;
in fearing to suffer for Christ’s sake,
we have not lived the way of the cross before you;
in our worshipping of wealth,
we have allowed you to suffer
in your desire for health and wealth;
in crediting salvation to those outside of Christ,
we have let the lamp of Lucifer
burnout your hearts;
in our make-believing, 
we have allowed you to trust
we only believe in fairytales;
in neglecting opportunities to witness,
we have slammed the open door
of God in your faces;
in being lukewarm
we have failed 
to show you God,
by showing ourselves as saviours.

We confess these seven sins
to you our Heavenly Father
 through Jesus Christ our Lord,
 who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen